standard-title Menopause Case Study: Polyp

Menopause Case Study: Polyp

Case 2: (Patient name kept confidential)

Mrs. PQR, 46-year-old married, with one child of 20 years, and working as a tourist guide, presented with very heavy painful periods for one year.

She had hypothyroidism for which she was taking medication and it was under control. There were no other medical issues.

In our clinic, she underwent a complete gyne examination and pap smear which was normal. She was advised blood tests and they were within normal limits. She had a pelvic sonogram and that raised the suspicion of a polyp inside the cavity of the uterus.

She was admitted to a hospital and underwent a Hysteroscopic removal of the polyp under general anaesthesia. The LNG-IUS was also inserted at the same time so that it reduces the menstrual flow and prevents the formation of the polyp in the future.

The patient had complete relief from the pain during periods. There was a significant reduction in menstrual blood loss. She reported a few days of minimal bleeding in the first 6 months and spotting for a few months. She has no bleeding for the last 4 months.

The patient is happy and can do her tours with a new found energy.

Also Read:

1- Menopause Case Study: LNG-IUS

2- Menopause Case Study: Simple Hyperplasia

3- Menopause Case Study: Complex Hyperplasia Hyst

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