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Types of Corona Vaccine (COVID 19)

Types of Corona Vaccine (COVID 19)

Nowadays everyone is talking of the Corona vaccine. Everyone wants that magical vaccine to be available so that we can fight and finish the Corona virus.  Several different types of vaccine are being developed. The aim of every vaccine is to generate long lasting antibodies in good amount and as quickly as possible with one […]

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The Placenta

The Placenta

The placenta is an important organ that joins the mother and the baby. The Placenta develops inside the uterus and it attaches itself to the wall of the uterus. The umbilical cord arises from the Placenta and connects to the baby. The purpose of the Placenta is to take the oxygen and nutrition from the […]

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The Menstrual Cup

The Menstrual Cup

The menstrual cup is a small flexible bell-shaped cup that is made of silicone or latex rubber. It is in the shape of a cup and it fits inside the vagina. It is used during the period to collect the menstrual blood. It is a very eco-friendly method for feminine hygiene use during the period. […]