Labor is the process by which delivery happens. Induction of labor (Induce Labor) is a process where labor has not started on its own and certain procedures and medicines are used to start the labor process to bring about vaginal delivery.

Common Reasons Why Gynecologist Will Induce Labor

  • When the pregnancy goes beyond 40 weeks. It is important to be sure of the date and size of pregnancy. The sonography in early pregnancy (at 6 to 8 weeks) is ideal to estimate the due date.
  • The bag of waters may break spontaneously. Labor usually starts within a few hours. If it does not start, then induction may be required.
  • There may be medical reasons to start labor before the due date.

Prerequisite For Induction Of Labor

  • It is important to ensure there is no immediate reason to avoid a vaginal delivery and do a caesarean section (e.g. like a malposition of baby, or HIV positive mother).
  • The foetus is fine and is not compromised in any way to undergo the process of labor.
  • The cervix is favourable for induction (e.g. A short soft partially open and effaced cervix v/s a long posterior tubular cervix).

Process of Induction

  • The substance called Prostaglandins is responsible for starting natural labor. Therefore, for the induction of labor, drugs containing prostaglandins are used to start the process. They are available as tablets, gel and a ribbon-like delivery system. The patient is administered either of them depending on the situation of the cervix.
  • The situation is reviewed after 4 to 6 hours to see if labor has started or not.
  • Once the contractions start then the process is monitored as in any other labor. In case the contractions do not start then the doctor will use their expertise to decide about a second dose and the way ahead.

Under certain circumstances, it may be required to stop the process and do a caesarean section. They are

  • Failure to start labor.
  • Failure to progress.
  • Foetal distress: – the heartbeat of the foetus slows down.

Close Monitoring and timely action are required for successful induction of labor and vaginal delivery.