Eggs are a great source of protein, vitamins, and minerals. There is no recommended limit on how many eggs people should eat. Therefore, they can form an important part of a healthy balanced diet. Eggs in pregnancy is another important question which pregnant woman has.

They are best consumed after cooking till the white and the yolk is solid, such as in boiled poached or scrambled eggs. And one can avoid adding salt and butter. Frying eggs is not a good idea as that increases the fat content by 50%.

Pregnant women should avoid consuming raw eggs. Mousses, soufflés ice creams, and salad dressings may contain raw eggs.

Some Important FAQs around Eggs And Pregnancy:

How many eggs should a pregnant woman eat?

There is no limit to the number but the quantity should be taken as a part of a healthy balanced diet and required calories should be calculated.

How do you cook eggs when pregnant?

As you would when not pregnant, avoid uncooked eggs and avoid frying as that increases the cholesterol content.

Is it safe to eat soft-boiled or raw eggs during pregnancy?

No, it should be avoided.

Can I eat fried egg during pregnancy?

Yes, but then watch the fat content as it increases substantially.

Are eggs bad for pregnancy?

Not at all, on the contrary, they are healthy.

Can we eat eggs in the first trimester of pregnancy?

Yes, you can have them in all trimesters.

What are the benefits of eating eggs during pregnancy?

They are a great source of protein, vitamins, and minerals.

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