Why Do I Need Flu Vaccine In Pregnancy?

Flu Vaccine in pregnancy is an important vaccine given to pregnant women. Influenza (commonly called the FLU) is a common viral infection that affects millions all over the world every year.

It is particularly important in pregnant women as it can have more impact on the health of pregnant women as compared to those that are not pregnant. It also affects the fetus and the newborn adversely.

During pregnancy, there are multiple changes such as:

  • Decreased Immunity
  • Increased Cardiac Function
  • Reduced Lung Capacity

All these factors make pregnant women far more susceptible. They have a higher chance of having a more severe form of the infection with complications than otherwise. The flu can result in bronchitis, pneumonia, and preterm labor.

The best way of protection for the mother-to-be, the fetus and the newborn is by vaccinating the pregnant woman.

The newborn baby gets protection for the first 6 months through the antibodies in the breast milk as the baby cannot be vaccinated until 6 months of age.

Important Information About Influenza Vaccine

  • The influenza vaccine is safe for pregnant women during any stage of pregnancy and whilst breastfeeding.
  • It is given in the upper arm into the muscle.
  • It does not contain any live virus so it cannot cause flu.
  • After the injection, some people may feel feverish for a few days, may have soreness at the site of the injection, and may have generalized body ache. This usually settles in a day or two.
  • There is an intranasal form of the vaccine but that is not safe for pregnant women.
  • Vaccinations need to be given each year because the viruses are always changing.
  • The best time to take the vaccine is just before the flu season but this can vary from country to country and region to region depending on the weather.

During pregnancy, discuss with the doctor about the vaccines required and ensure that you have a schedule written down for you so that you do not miss them.

Some more information about flu during pregnancy

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